Photos of my wonderful little sister Bthan (Beth Ann) and her family.

New family member Tank (November 2002).

(My) Nephews Kevin and Brian

Brian, Kevin, and Bthan messing around at Christmas (2002).

Bill and Bthan in Casper for their 25th H.S. Reunion (summer of 2001).

Posing in hallway of our parents' house.

Bill trying not to look too annoyed at our giggling. (Colorado, summer of 2001)

Proud Mom Beth with Kevin.

Brian's Class of 2002 Graduation at Air Academy High.

Brian and Kevin -- Christmas 2001

Summer 2000

Brian at Graduation with my Mom and Dad

Graduate Brian with proud dad, Bill, and paternal grandparents, "Cake" and "Pa"

Little bro Kevin with big bro graduate Brian.

The grad with one set of proud grandparents (Larry and Sandra Markland).

Proud family Beth Ann, Bill, Kevin, and Brian.

New grad, Brian, flanked by both sets of grandparents.

See also Photos from Beth Ann teaching the family to throw pots and pottery she's made for me.